Youth Art Benches
In the fall of 2021 panels of the youth artwork have finally been installed on the park benches at Kay Cee Gardens. And they look fabulous... go for a walk in this lovely park and have a look or set-a-spell and enjoy the wonderful art these kids have done over the spring and summer months! Much Thanks and Appreciation to our Bench Sponsors: Louis Sapi & Family, Soulyve, Ian McSweeney, Ted Simmonds, Robert & Shirley Donaldson, Ralph & Ginny Trewartha and Adrian & Jean Maes! And special Thanks to CCOF (Canadian Children's Optimist Foundation) for their outsourcing program which helped our sponsors. Thanks to our Prize Donors for winning contestants. Our Judges.
We are hoping for a green light to be able hold a public unveiling event. Which will be announced soon on our social media. In the meantime, here's a video to watch!